Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Take Your Stinkin' Right of Way!

What is it with Pittsburgh, and Mt. Lebanon in particular? No one will take their right of way. It is so frustrating to be coming home from work, hit a four-way stop, see each car arrive in its turn, then sit there while everyone flaps their hands back and forth like a bunch of dying pigeons.

C'mon people. There is a reason that the rules are what they are. I know you think you're being polite. Maybe you think it's just another thing assuring your place in heaven. But honestly, just go when it's your turn. It saves a whole lot of time.


At 12:23 PM , Blogger Historian said...

Ooh, I don't get that either. I run into it a lot here, too. That, or there's one intersection on Allegheny River Boulevard I drive through frequently where outbound traffic has a single lane (even though about 80% of people want to make a right turn there while I'm one of the 20% going straight ahead) and inbound traffic has a left-turn lane but no left-turn signal. I'm always about 10 cars behind some idiot who's also going straight who allows the Pittsburgh Left, and then continues to linger there and allow about 5-6 more cars through while our line of traffic backs up more and more. During rush hour, I've routinely waited 20 minutes in line at that light while little handfuls of cars squeak through. Besides obviously needing a right-turn lane for the 80% of people going through there, a left arrow would solve a lot of the craziness as well. I'm not holding my breath.


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