Physical Therapy
For years now, I have had pretty consistent shoulder and neck pain, particularly after a long day at work. Recently, it's gotten so bad that I can't spend an evening without a heating pad. I went to my doctor last week and she prescribed physical therapy. Here's what happened: I had about 15 minutes of traction, followed by a few exercises. Then, they hooked me up to some electrodes on my shoulders which came on every few seconds to give me a tingly sensation on my shoulders. The electrodes were topped off with a heating pad.
I didn't expect much, but when I got into my car, something seemed wrong. I realized then that it was the fact that I could easily move my head around with no tension whatsoever. It felt really odd after years of feeling otherwise; I kind of felt like the rubber head of Ray Milland in the long shots in The Thing With Two Heads.
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