Sunday, August 27, 2006

Rescue Me

This is truly one of the most brilliant shows I've seen. While The Sopranos has gone a bit stale, gearing up for the finale, Rescue Me continues to deliver amazing drama, all the more incredible because it is credible--every last bit. The way they've been able to combine comedy and drama has been beautiful. Good luck, Denis Leary, in tonight's Emmy awards. This is what TV should be: compelling, intelligent, scary, gripping and literate.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Who

Why, why, why is Babba O'Reilly on EVERY commercial for EVERY movie? Hasn't that boat sailed already? What is that song, like 40 years old or something? Good lord!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Names and Only You???

If there's one thing I despise (and there's not just one thing, or else I wouldn't dedicate a blog to it) it's when people hear you say a person's first name and automatically assume it's a person they know with that first name. Now, unless the name is something outrageous like Fahrfugnugen, this is the indication of a concrete-bound mentality.

For example, there's a person who happened to work at the same place I do, and her name is S______. I also happen to have a very good friend by the name of S_______. When I quit my job and had a happy hour, I mentioned that S_______ was coming to the happy hour, and co-worker went into throes of apoplexy thinking that I meant the universally despised S_______, who he knows I also personally despise.....I just don't get it. Maybe part of it is that these people think they are the center of the universe and all people somehow revolve about them in their own personal system....